16 September 2011

Friday Five (+1)

1// Adam and I love our bikes.  So much so that sometimes they find themselves just hanging out in the dinning room for weeks.  Eventually, we reluctantly lead them back to their home in the basement because they get in the way (as large, non-thinking, wheeled objects tend to do).  How nice would it be to look at them on the daily, along with the finely crafted shelves that they'd perch upon?
2// Crave this painting.  Perfect use of color combination.
3// I am thisclose to getting an armful of tattoos.  Always on the lookout for some beautiful, graphic inspiration.
4// I've been eyeing this hat and tons of other goodies from the YesJess etsy shop.  And now that the weather is taking an exponential turn downward, I can replace I want with I needneedNEED.
5// He likes asparagus.  She likes quinoa.  We are new vegetarians in need of ideas, lest we starve.  101 Cookbooks (along with the Moosewood Cookbook) will guide our hungry, healthy tummys.
6// How cute is this little pup-night-light?  Cleverness.

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